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Educational robotics and STEAM in early childhood education
Dimitra Chaldi
Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, 2021
The interest in the future configuration, focusing on the innovative technologies and more specifically on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), is remarkably increased. The value of STEAM education is undeniable as a means of developing basic skills and competencies of young students improving the learning process, developing communication skills, and solving real-life difficulties. The current research study was completed in the context of an actual learning process, with the view to study educational robotics in kindergarten students to engage them with STEAM education, using the programmable robot Bee-Bot® initially. The didactic intervention was held, which was developed in two phases. More specifically, a sample of 12 children (age range: 5–6 years old) took part in an intensive educational robotics lab for 16 sessions (4 weeks) by using a bee-shaped robot called Bee-Bot®. The results of our current research study revealed that STEAM education could also take p...
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Social STEAM Learning at an Early Age with Robotic Platforms: A Case Study in Four Schools in Spain
elena jurado
Robotics is one of the key learnings in a world where learners will interact with multiple robotic technologies and operating systems throughout their lives. However, school teachers, especially in the elementary and primary education stages, often have difficulties incorporating these tools in the classroom. Four elementary teachers in three schools in Catalonia were trained to introduce robotics in the classroom to seventy-five students. The main actions consisted in classroom accompaniment by a university-trained support teacher, curricular materials’ development, and assessment of the students’ and teachers’ learning. The designed contents and evaluation criteria took into account the potential of educational robotics to improve soft skills and to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) interdisciplinary learning. Teachers perceived the training to be supportive and useful and ended the school year feeling confident with the used robotic platform ...
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Developing STEAM Educational Scenarios in Pedagogical Studies using Robotics: An Undergraduate Course for Elementary School Teachers
Stefanos Xefteris
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2021
In recent years we have observed a clear trend for the transformation and evolution of teaching practices using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and in particular educational robotics. As modern society gives great importance to scientific and technological literacy and new technologies, the educational process must play a central role in the development of the respective skills. Thus, the training of future teachers in corresponding fields is especially important. In this paper, we present the curriculum design of a course named "S.T.E.A.M Teaching Scenarios using Educational Robotics" implemented for undergraduate pre-service teachers at the Elementary Education Department of the University of Western Macedonia in Florina, Greece. The objectives of the course include the development of critical and computational thinking, familiarity with robots, and the process of their integration in curricula focusing on interdisciplinary practices facilitated by embod...
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Exploring kindergarten teachers’ views on STEAM education and educational robotics: Dilemmas, possibilities, limitations
Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research, 2021
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STEAM and Educational Robotics: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Robotics in Early Childhood and Primary Education
Lorenzo Manera
Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, 2020
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The Effect of STEAM-Robotics on Science Subjects on Students' Ability to Solve Problems
Fajar Arianto
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2021
The development of the industrial and social revolutions today demands an increase in the quality of human resources who appear as intelligent humans and are able to solve problems. This study aims to determine the effect of the STEAM-Robotics approach in science learning on students' ability to solve problems. So it is hoped that STEAM-Robotics can make students find innovative solutions to real problems and convey them well. This study used an experimental research design, pretest-posttest control group design with one type of treatment. Methods of data collection are done using observation and performance tests. This research was conducted on 81 grade VII students with two T-test analyses, namely the pretest and post-test results of the experimental and control groups. The results showed that the STEAM-Robotics approach in science subjects affected students' problem-solving ability.
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Robots for Education
Roland Siegwart
Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2008
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iCanRobots—Active, Holistic, and Inclusive STEAM Education that Empowers Communities
evelina dineva
The Global Fab City Initiative's Full Stack model has six interconnected operative layers that provide a vision for self- sustained urban economies. Layer five calls for "New forms of learning." Instead of searching for an unspecified "New," we propose an instructional design approach to education that utilizes teaching and learning methods based on their Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs). To begin, we demonstrate the feasibility of active and holistic STEAM education with the course "Ich kann autonome Roboter!" ("I can do autonomous robotics!" or iCanRobots for short). Instructional methods include a think-pair-share schedule of inquiry-based activities (free play and systematic exploration) and accumulate into individual portfolios. Next, we go meta and situate iCanRobots in the Design-Based Research (DBR) approach to education and make explicit the connections of teaching and learning methods to ILOs. We developed iCanRobots around inst...
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Robots for Education (Edutainment)
Peter Kopacek
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016
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Designing Personal Robots for Education: Hardware, Software, and Curriculum
Gaurav Gupta
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2000
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